Mail notifications now allow to snooze and resolve errors
When an error occurs, Flare can notify you via many different notification channels. Some of these notifications destinations have rich APIs that allow us to add actions to snooze and resolve errors right on the notification. Here's how a Slack notification looks like; notice the action buttons below.
When we look at which notification channels our users use, we see that mail is the most popular channel. This motivated us to provide snoozing and resolving abilities to mail notifications. We deployed our changes a couple of days ago. In all mail notifications, you'll now see new snooze and resolve links.
These links will work even if you are not signed in at Flare. This functionality is implemented securely. These action links only have a limited lifetime. Behind the scenes, the links leverage Laravel's, so they cannot be tampered with.
We think these action links provide a convenient way to snooze/resolve errors quickly. You can see other improvements we recently made on our changelog. Do you have an idea to improve Flare? Let us know!