Control exceptions and errors send to Flare
By default, Ignition and the Flare PHP client (if you're using Flare in a non-Laravel application) will always send all the exceptions and errors to Flare.
In the cases where you don't want all exceptions being sent to Flare, you can from now on filter the exceptions sent using a callback:
// in ignition
fn(Throwable $throwable) => !$throwable instanceof AuthorizationException
// in the flare-php-client
fn(Throwable $throwable) => !$throwable instanceof AuthorizationException
When a PHP error is thrown, you can now configure which levels of errors should be sent to Flare:
// in ignition
Flare::reportErrorLevels(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// in the flare-php-client
$flare->reportErrorLevels(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
In this case, Flare will send all PHP's internal errors except E_NOTICE