Prioritizing exceptions
If I'm not mistaken, it was Shakespeare who quoted:
"Verily, in the realm of errors, not all missteps bear equal weight, nor warrant the same swift hand. Some, mere trifles, may wait, while others, of grave import, demand urgent priority."
That's not a real quote 😅 but the quote has a point: sometimes, you just want to have an overview of the errors in your application that need to be fixed now!
That's where prioritization comes into place, a new feature we've added to Flare. For each error, you can now decide which priority it needs:
We've defined four levels of priority to select from:
- Info: not really an error, just some extra info from within your system
- Low: something to pick up later on when you've got time for it
- Medium: a bug that needs to be taken care off
- High: drop everything you're working on; this issue should be resolved immediately!
When a priority is changed, we'll keep track of it in the activity overview:
Lastly, it is possible to filter errors in a project based on their priority:
Happy debugging!